Confidently Project Revenue Without Worrying About Losses
Forecast revenue without worrying about the hidden impact of fraud to the bottom line.

Don’t Let Fraud Impact Your Bottom Line
Sift’s fraud intelligence network is updated immediately after a new fraud event is detected so you aren’t blindsided by new attack patterns.

Sift has been a success story for Studypool. We are now comfortable with our chargeback rate and user insights thanks to Sift.”
Chuck Lopez
Head of Operations at Studypool

Reduce Operating Expenses and Loss in Parallel
Sift’s automation and accuracy not only means less fraud, but also fewer manual reviews.
Reduction in manual review rates
Better Detection Means Fewer False Declines
False declines have a direct impact on email and call volume to support teams.
Move Beyond Fraud Prevention
Increase team efficiency tenfold and outpace your previous potential with AI-driven insights and case management rooted in deep, diverse data.
Leave Trust and Tooling to Us
Free up engineering resources and let Sift handle your fraud tooling needs. Protect every customer touchpoint through pre-integrations with other solutions, and say goodbye to third-party stack management.
Secure Your Reputation (and Long-Term Revenue)
WIth Sift, your business is never an easy target. Drop churn and chargebacks, break down silos, and gain a comprehensive view into threat levels across different user touchpoints—all while cutting friction for trusted users and reducing reliance on 2FA.
Move Your Business Forward with FIBR
Sift’s one-of-its-kind Fraud Industry Benchmarking Resource lets you compare your payment fraud, fraudulent chargeback, and manual review rates against Sift benchmarks by industry and region.