Sift Logo Usage
Logo Clear Space

Sift’s Color Palette & Usage
Primary - Tried & True
Sift Blue
46 105 255CMYK
82 59 0 0Black
0 0 0CMYK
0 0 0 100White
255 255 255CMYK
0 0 0 0Sift Navy
0 18 77CMYK
100 77 0 70Secondary - Sprinkles of New Colors
Uplift Pink
255 59 132CMYK
0 77 87 0Value Gold
255 202 54CMYK
0 21 79 0Excellence Mint
121 247 198CMYK
51 0 20 3Light Blue
234 240 255CMYK
8 6 0 0Light Gray
245 243 245CMYK
0 1 0 4Our Typography
The go-to typeface for all things Sift
24 / Regular / 0% / 150%Body Large
18 / Regular / 0% / 150%Body Medium
16 / Regular / 0% / 150%Body Default
14 / Regular / 0% / 150%Body Default
16 / Bold / 4% / 150%Caption Large
16 / Bold / 4% / 120%Built with a single, intuitive console, Sift’s end-to-end solution eliminates the need for disconnected tools, single-purpose software, and incomplete insights that drain operational resources.
The Sift Platform does what other fraud tools cant, Our patented technology delivers connected data, adaptability, and intelligent automation to every aspect of risk operations.
Titillium Web
Additional character for headlines and callouts
Heading 1
88 / Bold / 0% / 110%Heading 2
64 / Bold / 0% / 115%Heading 3
40 / Bold / 0% / 120%Heading 4
24 / Semibold / 0% / 120%The Sift Platform
Permanent Marker
Brings a stark contrast and a “can-do” attitude to our key messages
Heading 1
88 / Bold / 0% / 110%Heading 2
64 / Bold / 0% / 115%Heading 3
40 / Bold / 0% / 120%Sift can help you grow safely
Values Graphics
Courage Over Comfort
Ever Better
Get Sift Done
Start With the Customer
Win as One Team
Sift Science Inc. (“Sift”) uses the terms and/or logos (“Sift Trademarks”) below as active trademarks in branding its products and services. The Sift brand is an important symbol of our mission to help everyone trust the Internet. We have registered or applied for registration of these trademarks in the United States and other countries around the world. Any use of Sift Trademarks requires prior written authorization of Sift. Sift has the sole right to prevent, revoke consent, or terminate the use of its trademarks by any licensee or other permitted user. All Sift Trademarks are, and shall remain, the exclusive property of Sift, and authorized use by third parties will accrue to the benefit of Sift. Sift monitors the use of its trademarks and reserves the right to request that third parties modify or terminate any use that violates these guidelines, creates a likelihood of confusion, or dilutes Sift Trademarks.

Sift Logo
